

Quince's in() function wraps the SQL keyword IN. There are three overloads, but they have the following in common:

The three overloads differ in the way they specify that series of comparands:

Option 1: comparands are subsequent arguments to in()

in() takes zero or or more arguments after the first one. Given that the first one was of type T or abstract_mapper<T>, the subsequent arguments must each be of type T or abstract_mapper<T>.

In this case the comparands are found by evaluating the subexpressions represented by those subsequent arguments.

Option 2: comparands are passed through a vector of pointers

in() takes a second argument of type std::vector<const abstract_mapper<T> *>. Actual values of type T can be accommodated by converting them to exprn_mapper<T>s, and taking the address. in() keeps clones of all the mappers, so it is not affected if you destroy the originals.

In this case the comparands are found by evaluating the subexpressions represented by the elements of the vector.

Option 3: a subquery produces the operands

in() takes as its second argument a query with value type T.

The query is allowed to use mappers that belong to an outer context, as was the case with exists().

In this case the comparands are the outputs of the query.


// Find points where x is 3.3f, 6.8f, or the square of y:
const query<point> special_points =
    .where(in(points->x, 3.3f, 6.8f, points->y*points->y));

// Same again but using a std::vector;
const exprn_mapper<float> exprn3_3(3.3f);
const exprn_mapper<float> exprn6_8(6.8f);
const exprn_mapper<float> y_squared = points->y * points->y;
const std::vector<const abstract_mapper<float>*> special_x_values{&exprn3_3, &exprn6_8, &y_squared};
const query<point> special_points_again =
    .where(in(points->x, special_x_values));

// Find points where either x or y is a (positive or negative)
// square root of 2:
const query<point> with_sqrt_two =
    .where(in(2.0f, points->x*points->x, points->y*points->y));

// Find points whose x is interesting:
extern const query<float> interesting_numbers;
const query<point> interesting_wrt_x =
    .where(in(points->x, interesting_numbers));

// Find points whose x/y ratio is among the first five interesting numbers:
const query<point> highly_interesting_wrt_xy_ratio =
    .where(in(points->x / points->y, interesting_numbers.limit(5)));
