

Its mapper class: tuple_mapper<...>

If T0, T1 ... are any mapped types, then std::tuple<T0, T1 ...> is a mapped type. It is statically mapped: its mapper class is always tuple_mapper<T0, T1 ...>.

In addition to mapping std::tuple<T0, T1 ...>s to and from column formats, tuple_mapper<T0, T1 ...> provides a get<...>() method, which acts as an analog of std::get<...>() as it applies to std::tuple<T0, T1 ...>.

If tm is an instance of tuple_mapper<T0, T1...>, and I is an integer constant, then tm.get<I>() returns a const reference to the mapper that maps the tuple's I'th member, counting from zero. If I is out of range, that's a compile-time error.


struct oscar {
    uint16_t year;
    std::tuple<movie, cinema, critic> bests;
QUINCE_MAP_CLASS(oscar, (year)(bests))

extern table<oscar> oscars;

const query<critic> best_critics =>bests.get<2>());


When tuples are compared on the server side with the relational operators, or sorted on the server side with order(), then the order is lexicographic, with the zeroth member most significant, followed by the first member, and so on.


tuple_mapper represents data by delegating to each of the member mappers.

When it delegates to the i'th member mapper, it adds the numeral i, in angle-brackets, to all the column names that the i'th member mapper produces, so those names cannot clash with column names that the other member mapppers produce.
