
Configuring Boost.Build

Boost.Build is the product that will build each of the libraries in the quince family, but first you must configure it, in two steps.


You need to create the file user-config.jam in your home directory, or in one of the other approved places, unless it already exists. Then you need to add some lines.

Here are the lines I have added on my Windows machine:

use-project /boost : "C:/local/boost_1_56_0" ;

constant libpq-name : "libpq" ;
path-constant libpq-include-dir : "C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/9.3/include" ;
path-constant libpq-lib-dir : "C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/9.3/lib" ;
path-constant sqlite-root : "C:/local/sqlite" ;

use-project /quince : "C:/Users/shep/quince/quince" ;
use-project /quince-postgresql : "C:/Users/shep/quince/quince_postgresql" ;
use-project /quince-sqlite : "C:/Users/shep/quince/quince_sqlite" ;

Yours should be similar, but:


You need to create a one-line file called boost-build.jam.

If possible, put this file in some directory that is a common ancestor of the directories in which you downloaded quince and each of its backends. If there is no plausible common ancestor, then you can create multiple boost-build.jam files -- just so long as some boost-build.jam exists at or above each of the directories in which you'll be building.

The purpose of this file is to guide Boost.Build to its own parent directory. Mine has the following content:

boost-build C:/local/boost_1_56_0/tools/build/src ;

You just need to replace the absolute path with the absolute path of the corresponding directory on your machine. (Hint: if you are using boost 1.55 then it ends with tools/build/v2, and if you are using boost 1.56 then it ends with tools/build/src.)
