
Chapter 3. Getting Started

Table of Contents

Defining Mapped Class Types
Creating the Database Object
Creating the Table Objects
Opening the Tables
Clearing the Tables
Populating the Tables
Building Expressions for Server-Side Evaluation
Buliding a Query
Building Further
Ceci n'est pas une pipe
Executing the Query
The End

In this chapter I shall guide you through the writing of a small but complete quince application. We'll do it all in one source file. So create gettingstarted.cpp in your text editor, and let's begin.

#include <stdint.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <quince/quince.h>
#include <quince_postgresql/database.h>     // Delete this line if you don't use PostgreSQL
#include <quince_sqlite/database.h>         // Delete this line if you don't use sqlite

using namespace quince;

namespace cinemascope {


quince/quince.h is an umbrella header that collects all the headers you'll ever need from the quince library.

All the identifiers that quince defines are in namespace quince [2] , so the using directive brings them all into scope. I acknowledge that using directives are dubious style, and in a real application it's better to have a specific using declaration for each quince identifier that you use a lot. I'm just keeping it brief for the tour.

Namespaces for application code (e.g. cinemascope) are always in style, but when you use quince they become a necessity. Definitions of mapped classes (such as we're about to write) do not work unless they are in some named namespace.

[2] The exceptions to this rule are, quite literally, not worth mentioning. They are identifiers that you never use in your code and I shall not use any of them in this document.
