
Part I. Introduction

Table of Contents

1. Queries in C++ Expressions
What, Why, How, and for Whom?
What Does it Look Like?
Like this ...
... or these
Rise of the Monster Query
The Quincessential Dot Points
2. Preparation
Which DBMS(es) Will You Be Using?
Downloading Quince and the Backends
Configuring Boost.Build
Building Quince and the Backends
Building an Application
3. Getting Started
Defining Mapped Class Types
Creating the Database Object
Creating the Table Objects
Opening the Tables
Clearing the Tables
Populating the Tables
Building Expressions for Server-Side Evaluation
Buliding a Query
Building Further
Ceci n'est pas une pipe
Executing the Query
The End

Last revised: May 23, 2015 at 07:29:14 GMT
