
Chapter 8. Tables

Table of Contents

Tables in General
Life Cycle of a Table Object
Construction and Primary Key
Indexes and Foreign Key Constraints
Data Manipulation
Table Alteration
drop_field() (PostgreSQL only)
rename_field() (PostgreSQL only)
set_field_type() (PostgreSQL only)

I use the noun table, in normal font, for objects of two C++ types: table and serial_table. There are differences between them, as we shall see, but they have 99% of their DNA in common. Every table has the following features:

  • It represents an SQL table at a specific site, which means:
    • with a specific SQL name,
    • in a specific database,
    • in a specific schema (PostgreSQL only),
    • optionally, in a specific attached database (sqlite only).
  • It is a kind of query, so it has a value type and a value mapper, and its value mapper is accessible via * and ->.
  • It has an SQL name.
  • It has two states: closed and open.
  • When it's closed, you can:
    • specify a primary key, indexes, and foreign key constraints,
    • alter the nature of the SQL table it represents, i.e. change its name, add or remove columns, or change the columns' names or types,
    • delete the SQL table it represents,
    • customize the mapping of polymorphically mapped types within the table,
    • open it.
  • When it's open, you can:
    • manipulate its data, i.e. add, remove, or update records.
    • use it as a query,
    • close it.

We discussed queries in the previous chapter, and there is nothing extra to be said about using a table in that way. We'll come to mapping customizations in the next chapter. The present chapter, then, is for the other items.
