
Construction and Primary Key

To get started, we will need a database object. Its type is backend-specific: either quince_postgresql::database or quince_sqlite::database. Later sections describe how to construct these, so for now I'll assume that you have either:

extern quince_postgresql::database db;


extern quince_sqlite::database db;

Either way, db implements the interface quince::database, which is all we need here.

Now we can construct a table:

table<point> points(db, "points");

The constructor arguments give the site of the target. So points represents an SQL table named points, within db's default schema (PostgreSQL) or main database (sqlite).

Schemas, attached databases, and two-part table names

The name can have two parts, separated by a period:

table<point> geom_points(db, "geometry.points");

The second part (points) is the target's SQL table name. The first part (geometry) means different things depending on the kind of database:

Specifying a primary key

Via member mapper(s) ...

The most general way to specify a table's primary key is to construct the table first, and then call its specify_key() method:


So, if a subsequent call to creates the target, the column that represents member x will become the primary key. In this example it's a simple float, but it can be any mapped type, with any number of columns. Also you can pass multiple mappers as arguments to specify_key().

So the general case is table.specify_key(mapper0, mapper1, ...).

table's value mapper will be visible to each of the mapperis.

Then the primary key will be one that orders the elements of table by all the mapperis, with mapper0 the most significant, mapper1 the next most significant, and so on. The ordering for each mapperi will be:

... or via a pointer-to-key-member ...

Very often a table's value type is some class, and its primary key is a member of that class. The method specify_key_from_ptkm() caters to that common case, by using a C++ pointer-to-member to identify the primary key:

... or at construction

For brevity, table has a constructor that incorporates the work of specify_key_from_ptkm. Just pass the member pointer as a third constructor argument. So this:

table<point> points(db, "points", &point::x);

is equivalent to this:

table<point> points(db, "points");

table versus serial_table

A serial_table is a table where the primary key's values are automatically created and assigned by the DBMS. We'll see how that works when we discuss data manipulation, but here's what we need to know for present purposes.

Note that serial_table does not simply mean any table with a serial as its primary key. The defining characteristic of a serial_table is that it automatically assigns values to its primary keys. You can have a table whose primary keys are serials that it does not auto-assign, and that would be a table, not a serial_table.
