
Indexes and Foreign Key Constraints


A table (of any kind) can have an SQL index, if you call its specify_index() method before it is opened the first time.


Now, if a subsequent call to creates the target, it will also create an index on the column that represents member y.

Like specify_key(), specify_index() accepts multiple mappers as arguments, and each one can map any mapped type, with any number of columns.

So we can generalize to table.specify_index(mapper0, mapper1, ...).

table's value mapper will be visible to each of the mapperis.

Then the index will be one that orders the elements of table by the mapperis, with mapper0 the most significant, mapper1 the next most significant, and so on. The ordering for each mapperi will be the ordering described here, here, or here if it's an optional_mapper, tuple_mapper or class_mapper; and the DBMS's ordering otherwise.

You can call table.specify_index() any number of times, and then if creates the target, it will create all the indexes you have specified.

PostgreSQL-specific extensions

For tables in a PostgreSQL database, specify_index() also allows:

So, for a PostgreSQL table, the general form is table.specify_index(exprn0, exprn1, ...), where the exprnis are any expressions that would be allowed as arguments to table.order().

table's value mapper will be visible to each of the exprnis.

Then the resulting index will be one that orders the elements of table in the same way as table.order(exprn0, exprn1, ...).


The method specify_unique() is the same as specify_index(), except it does one more thing: it imposes uniqueness.

That is to say, if you call table.specify_unique(mapper0, mapper1, ...) (or on PostgreSQL: table.specify_unique(exprn0, exprn1, ...)), and if a subsequent call to creates the target, then the table will not be allowed to contain any two records for which all the mapperis (PostgreSQL: all the exprnis) evaluate equal. Any operation that would violate this constraint will be caught by the DBMS, leading quince to throw a dbms_exception.

Foreign Keys

To give a table a foreign key constraint, call its specify_foreign() method before it is opened the first time.

points.specify_foreign(points->y, cinemas, cinemas->location.y);

Now, if a subsequent call to creates the target, it will bind its y values to the location.y values of the cinemas table, in this sense: points is only allowed to hold records whose y member is equal to the location.y member of some record in cinemas. Any attempted violation will be caught by the DBMS, leading quince to throw a dbms_exception.

The foreign key can be of any mapped type, with any number of columns, provided that it is of the same type as the field to which it is bound. In other words, in t.specify_foreign(m, t', m'), the mappers m and m' must be mappers of the same mapped type.

In the common case where m' is the primary key of t', m' can be omitted from the call.
